Sunday, April 22, 2012

Fallen angel.  an old classic.  Recipe from Jan-Feb issues (2012) Imbibe Magazine.

The Swami

Made it before.  I'll make it again.  see Left Coast Libations for the reipe

In 2 Deep


The Paper Airplane

Another Negroni variation with Ramazotti.  just fine! mm-hm!

3 mezcals

These are all great.  I think I rushed the tasting.  Scorpion was my fave when tasting it a Clive's thought it was a different--this one is not a tobala :(  still good thought.  These are to be savoured not shot or consumed to get hammered. 


A variation of the negroni.  A delight.

5 Something Delicious's

To get the recipe buy Left Coast Libations
A very juicy drink that will appear many times this summer.

Sampling of amari

don't know if all of these technically count as Amaro but we sniffed then sampled them.
It was a very fun evening.

Turf War

From  (March April Issues)